We are an American couple volunteering in Swaziland with a ministry helping orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC). Mpumalanga Ministries (Moyeni Project), in Siteki, Swaziland (within South Africa). We have been making many trips back and forth from Florida. Please contact us to find out how you can help. Our website is SwaziChild.Com - Email: MySwazi@gmail.com

These are some of the 230 orphans that go to the Mpumalanga Ministries free school. They also get free breakfast and lunch with food donated from the World Food Project. For some of the children these are the only meals the get. Their caretakers may not have any food at home. In Swaziland the government resists putting children in orphanages. Traditionally children go to the nearest living relative. With the AIDs rate at 42% (highest in the world) this system is totally breaking down. "Grannies" find themselves jobless and caring for 10 or more orphans. If the Granny works, then the children who cannot go to school are left home alone to fend for themselves. I will be posting more pictures and descriptions later.